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Think Tank Demos ongoing project 'A common language' ESOL project

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22 August 2007

English for Speakers of other languages sits at the heart of a number of heated - and crowded - debates. Questions around economic success, social inclusion, integration, citizenship and national identity all affect, and are affected by the availability, take-up and quality of ESOL provision. Perhaps as a result of the number of issues and organisations involved in these overlapping debates, questions around ESOL provision are laden with complexity. Policy therefore requires a rationale for ESOL that makes sense across government - and arrangements for funding and providing opportunities to learn that reflect the everyday dynamics of people's lives. http://www.demos.co.uk/projects/acommonlanguage/overview Contact:duncan.o'leary@DEMOS.CO.UK This project, running in parallel to wider Demos work on adult learning , will begin with first principles - why ESOL matters - and work through to a logical conclusion of how best it can be delivered in practice, within a coherent policy framework.

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