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Update on professional membership fees

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08 June 2011

Statement from the Institute for Learning (IfL), and update on professional membership fees IfL‟s fees and concessions for 2011/12 and 2012/13 On the basis of BIS transitional financial support as set out above, IfL will offer members the following from 7 June 2011: - the fee of £68 to be extended to cover a period of two years, for those tens of thousands of members who have already renewed and paid their membership for 18 months from 1 April 2011, and for other members who renew for the period up to 31 March 2013 - the opportunity for members to pay an annualised fee of £38 for 2011/12 and £38 for 2012/13, with a guarantee that the fee will not be higher than £68 in 2013/14 - a new reduced fee level for those individuals earning £16,000 a year or less, but who are above the personal income tax threshold of £7,475. To view full statement go 'more'

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