Our branch network

NATECLA always welcomes new branch members.

Our branches provide a regional contact point to get involved with NATECLA locally. Each branch is run by a committee of NATECLA members who volunteer their time to lead their branch in a way that is best suited to the specific needs of members in the area. Most branches are active on social media and some have their own websites showcasing the work of ESOL and community language teachers in the area. Branches also work towards at least one big event each year whether that’s a conference (online or face to face), teach meet, forum or manager’s meeting. The branches are led by teachers for teachers so do contact your local branch (using the details found below or by contacting National Centre) to find out how you can get involved! If you’d like to volunteer for NATECLA, get in touch with the chair/s of your local branch and see how you can help. It doesn’t have to be a big time commitment but an extra pair of hands, additional skill sets or even the offer of a meeting venue is very well received!

Whilst we have branches that cover most areas of the U.K. and Ireland, we still have some areas which are not represented. If you’d like to find out how to start a new branch in your area, contact National Centre.

NATECLA branches

  • Branch chair:
    Carol Samlal nateclaeast.committee@gmail.com

    Committee members:
    Olena Kirkup (secretary)

    Jeni Prettyman

    Rachel Oner

    Marie-lea Demolliens

    Clare Wookey

    Connect with the branch online:
    Facebook page

    Are you looking for committee members?
    Yes, we always welcome new members!

  • Current Chair: Dr. Declan Flanagan

    The National Association for Teaching English and Community Languages to Adults (NATECLA IOI) has been pivotal since its establishment in supporting practitioners who teach English and community languages to adults throughout the island of Ireland. NATECLA has been particularly active in organisng practitioner-based workshops designed to meet the needs of educators delivering ESOL in various informal settings, such as churches and voluntary organisations. These monthly workshops provide invaluable resources, guidance, and peer support for teachers working in challenging environments with diverse learner groups.

    In addition to its focus on practitioner support, NATECLA has also expanded its digital presence, establishing an online ESOL forum specifically for the island of Ireland (2024-2025). This platform allows educators to share experiences, access resources, and engage in discussions about best practices while addressing the unique challenges faced by those working in different regions.

    NATECLA committee members have also been actively involved in policy advocacy, mainly through their participation in the Northern Ireland ESOL Steering Group. Through this involvement, they have been instrumental in pushing for the development of a comprehensive ESOL strategy in Northern Ireland, aiming to create a more coordinated and effective approach to language education for adult learners. Their efforts are essential in shaping the future of ESOL provision, ensuring that adult learners have access to quality language education that meets their specific needs.

  • Chair: Ian Wollington

    Contact: ian.wollington@towerhamlets.gov.uk

    The branch is looking for members to join the branch committee. We hold well-attended ESOL managers' meetings once a term and aim to organise a conference once a year. We are collaborating with other organisations including Action for ESOL.

    Please get in touch if you would like to join us!

  • Branch co-chairs:

    Christine Tudor Jones


    Hayley Wemyss


    Committee members:
    Anne Mills - secretary 

    Branch activities:
    2/3 online forums a year -  people share what they are doing, bring issues and queries and lots of  great ideas. 

    Connect with the branch online:

    'NATECLA Midlands' Facebook group.

    Are you looking for committee members?

    Definitely looking for committee members.

  • Branch co-chairs:

    Eve Sheppard and Paul Williams

    Committee members:

    Chloë Hynes

    Branch activities:

    Yearly online event. Currently looking at venues for a potential face to face event in the near future.

    Connect with the branch online:


    Join our Linked In group

    Are you looking for committee members? Yes! Come and get involved with our branch.

  • Committee members:
    Peter Yorston - Secretary

    Sue Hain - Teacher Training Coordinator & YouTube Coordinator

    Orsi Dunn - Trauma Informed ESOL Coordinator 

    Sheena Kay - Stories Around Scotland Coordinator

    Hannah Avison - ESOL Literacies Readers Coordinator and ESOL Champions Coordinator 

    Emma Cresswell - TTT Series Trainer & Discussion Board Coordinator

    Gosia Lundie - Teacher Training Editor & Mentoring Programme Coordinator

    Kasia Lewieniec - Volunteer Tutors Coordinator

    Caithleen Bell - Newsletter Coordinator 

    Cathy Glover - TTT Series Coordinator & Trainer 

    Branch activities:
    NATECLA Scotland currently provides an Annual Conference Day, monthly Online Forums, 4 times a year TESOL Training Toolkit Sessions, a monthly Newsletter, an ESOL Literacies Graded Readers programme, a Mentoring Programme, a Discussion Board, an extensive website full of specific ESOL resources (ESOL Literacies, Trauma Informed ESOL, Teacher Training), we share Stories from Around Scotland and celebrate ESOL Champions

    Connect with the branch online:

    Branch website


  • Branch activities:

    Connect with the branch online:

    Are you looking for committee members?

  • Branch chairs:

    Zaina Aljumma and Melanie Clinton 

    Contact nateclacymru@gmail.com

    Committee members:
    Secretary: Rob Smith

    Media Officer: Lorraine Rogers

    We are a newly-established branch committed to bringing together language teaching professionals throughout Wales to share knowledge and expertise.

    Branch website

  • Branch chair: Anna Banks nateclayh@gmail.com

    Committee members:

    Melanie (secretary)

    Diana Tremayne

    Naeema Hann

    John Zavos

    Emma Taylor

    John Ward

    Branch activities:
    We have yearly online conferences, webinars and/or forums.

    Are you looking for committee members? Yes! Definitely.