Autumn 2024 Spending Review: NATECLA’s response

NATECLA submitted this statement to the Government’s Autumn Spending Review on 10th September 2024:

NATECLA, the National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults, is the forum and professional association for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers.

Our members work in a variety of settings, including further education colleges, adult/community education, prisons and training organisations. They work with a diverse range of adults learning English for social/economic inclusion, including refugees and people seeking asylum.

Being able to communicate in English allows those new to the UK to become part of society and contribute economically. We regret the financial squeeze on adult education in recent years, especially the impact on ESOL provision.

In particular, we seek:

  1. Fair access: more consistent ESOL provision available to all who need it throughout England; eligibility for ESOL courses needs to be standardised and policy responsibility for ESOL should ultimately be located within one government department.

  2. Fair funding and building capacity for ESOL via funding rates and rules that recognise the time needed to learn a new language and address tutor recruitment and retention issues. Increased investment in ESOL will reduce unemployment, increase earnings, increase productivity and reduce health inequality.

  3. Fair futures, enabling progression by supporting ESOL learners’ progression to further study and career development, easier recognition of their prior learning and qualifications, and with ESOL qualifications accepted on an equal basis to Functional Skills and GCSE English.

Whilst the UK Government has responsibility for ESOL policy within England, similar challenges are faced by devolved administrations in NI, Scotland and Wales.


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